Our Dream

To have all necessary amenities where every deprived girl can grow happily and fearlessly, get educated, empowered and strengthen their personalities. We dream every neglected girl to be safe, and are committed to provide as much facilities as we can in order to ensure not a single girl is left out of the path of the care and nourishment that she deserves.
Together we can
All members of society have the social responsibility to take care of the underprivileged among us. We request to lend a helping hand to the less fortunate ones and promise our service as a connecting link between the needy and you. Let’s try to be a prosperous country by reducing social imbalance. Let every single child grow with dignity and pride.
At the initial stages of Sukritham Girls Home, we struggled to meet the ends. Every day had been a challenge as we have to find funds and resources for food, education and medical expenses for the children. The numbers of sponsors were few. When time passed, more and more people came to know about this noble endeavor and came forward to help. And we were able to provide facilities for more and more children. Still, we have a lot more to do.
Together we can make the change.