About Sukritham

The hunger for home is inherent in every child’s heart. Realising this, Sukritham Girl’s Home has born as the brain child of a group of young philanthropists lead by Mr. Mahadev Prasad, who founded Sukritham Charitable Trust in 2006.
The Trust started activities by offering a home consisting of food, shelter, education and care for one child in the same year. The dedication and commitment eventually attracted assistance and support from individuals from various walks of the society and the institution has currently grown to provide a place to call home to 20 girls.
The lovely girls who now reside in Sukritham comes from the most neglected, deprived and impoverished situations. Some of them are abandoned by their parents. Most of them are single parented, where the only parent was struggling to meet even the basic requirements of the child.
Over this period of time, from one girl in a temporary shelter in a village called Naduvannur in the suburbs of Calicut city, the Home has grown exponentially in terms of children and facilities. During early 2012, the Girl’s Home moved to its new location named Sukritham Gardens at Kakkoor, Kozhikode, Kerala in South India, 45 minutes drive away from Calicut city. This sprawling lush hilly location surrounded by green coconut groves is rich in vegetation and nature’s beauty.
The Home is keen to provide nutrition to both physical and emotional development of the children. Currently they are aged from 5 to 18. Here the children are taught to nurture their dreams. Mahadev Prasad, who is fondly called as ‘Uncle’ by the children has devoted his life for the well-being of these children, provides vision and leadership to the organization. Mahadev’s better half, Prathyusha Mahadev accompanies him in all activities. Prathyusha is a motherly presence to girls at the Home.
Life at Sukritham

Sukritham Girls Home offers family atmosphere with all amenities to the girls who are neglected by their own family and/or society. The girls live under the supervision of trained staff and volunteers here. Apart from food, clothing and shelter, they have been provided good education, uniforms, study materials and being imparted all qualities and values they otherwise miss.
The days at Sukritham starts at 5am. After morning ablutions, children assemble in the hall for prayer. After prayer, yoga and food, they do their studies and get ready to school. Every single child is allotted some sort of duty every day. It’s been expected to encourage a sense of responsibility and management skills in the girls through this duty allocation. These duties may vary from helping younger children in school homework to slicing vegetables or updating the store inventory.
Children are provided well-balanced vegetarian diet. A well-stocked library with English and Malayalam books encourages them to read. Apart from school education, facilities have been provided to interested kids to learn music, dance, crafts, gardening etc.
There is a well-equipped auditorium that can easily accommodate 200 spectators at the Sukritham Gardens. This place has been used to practice Yoga and learning theatre and acting as well. During holidays and festivals, children can watch movies on the giant screen in the auditorium.
In the evening, after studies, all the children, residents and staff assemble once again to evaluate the day. They discuss each other the setbacks and scope of improvement in detailed manner. Children can come up with suggestions and ideas. Everything will be discussed open heartedly.
The bedroom lights go off at 9.30 after dinner.
All the very best to your endeavors.