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Swiss Partner

Sukritham Schweiz has been founded in April 2011 in order to support Sukritham Girls Home. The association raises funds, provides information about Sukritham to Swiss people and so broadens the horizon of possible supporters and also delivers practical help in texting of website content and other internet matters. In addition, Sukritham Schweiz serves as an intermediary between school classes in Switzerland and the children from Sukritham Girls Home for enabling e-mail exchange programs in order to enhance intercultural exchange. In the long term, the association also plans to connect young Swiss students and teachers with Sukritham Girls Home for volunteer placements.

Sukritham Schweiz has been founded by Klaus von Muralt and Corinne Leuenberger, both Swiss citizens, who have volunteered as teachers at Sukritham Girls Home for two weeks in January 2011 and ever since then have enclosed the children at Sukritham Girls Home into their hearts.

Sukritham Schweiz Association

Based in: Bern, capital city of Switzerland

President: Klaus von Muralt

Vice-President: Corinne Leuenberger

E-mail contact: [email protected]


Well-wishers in Switzerland can send donations to PC 85-628301-9 with reference to Sukritham Schweiz.